The Holy Trinity Church of England Secondary School

Church of England

As a Church of England School, we work closely with the Diocese of Chichester who support the school in many different ways.  To find out more about the Diocese and their work in education visit their website:

We also seek to put into practice the Church of England’s Vision for Education and draw on their extensive resources.  To find out more about education at a national level visit their website:

The Church of England supports leaders in secondary schools through the National Secondary Leadership network of which we are an active member.  For more information about this visit:

The school serves the three deaneries of Horsham, East Grinstead and Cuckfield.  As such we are linked to many different churches across this area.  Local Anglican Clergy visit the school to lead assemblies and communion services.  We enjoy a particularly close link with St Albans being the Parish Church of Gossop’s Green and Bewbush – the parish in which the school sits.