Department leader: Mrs Kimberly Meaney SENCo.
Staff team
Miss F Ameen SEN inclusion and administration
Miss E Grant Senior LSA
Miss H Richardson Senior LSA
Miss M Russel Ogle
Miss R Andrews
Mr A Kendell
Miss E Raper
Miss Z Zaril
Miss Dias Motta Morita
The inclusion of students and helping them to develop their full potential is a priority for all staff at The Holy Trinity School. The 2023 Ofsted report described Holy Trinity as a 'highly inclusive school' with a 'strong sense of community'. It added 'Pupils like and trust their teachers...Relationships are very positive because staff take the time to get to know their pupils well. Pupils feel safe and cared for.'
We are committed to meeting the diverse individual needs of all students by working closely with parents, promoting successful learning opportunities and working creatively to remove any barriers to learning through a graduated approach to support; thus ensuring the best possible progress for all of our students, whatever their needs or abilities.
All students are encouraged to participate in the life and work of the school to the best of their abilities. This is achieved by making reasonable adjustments to ensure all students have access to the curriculum and extracurricular activities. High quality teaching that is differentiated and personalised will meet the individual needs of the majority of young people so that they can become confident individuals leading fulfilling lives.
We welcome applications from all pupils including those who may have additional or special educational needs. We will conform to the Admissions Policy for our school which can be found on the policies of our website. To view our policies page please click here.
To view a document about Dyslexia and the transition between primary and secondary school please click here.